Student Blogs

A Wine Vineyard!

May 31st, 2011 nmmari12

I can´t believe that I forgot to blog about a certain event that took place about 2 weeks ago. Arianna, our culture coordinator and past Crusader Coruñesa, planned a wonderful excursion for us Holy Cross kids to a wine vineyard in Galicia. We woke up at around 7 am (thankfully the vineyard tour was not until 4 pm) and hopped on a train to Pontevedra, Galicia. After exploring Pontevedra for a while we caught a bus to a small fishing village about 1 hour away. This was an absolutely gorgeous town, consisting of rivers, foot bridges, vast ocean scenery, a gorgeous hotel, and a beautiful church constructed solely of shells! After a very traditional Galician style lunch of shellfish and pork, we boarded another bus that drove us to another small town. In this town we had a private tour of a vineyard, which ships wine all over the world, including the United States! I am not a huge wine fan but their specialty of albarino wine was sure delicious! Since I really hadn´t seen the Galician countryside (unless you count the monsoon Kelsey and I hiked through earlier this year) I didn´t realize how beautiful the Galician countryside is; with the soft green rolling hills, red roofed houses and mist rising against the sun, it is an image I will never forget!

 I received one grade from my education class….and I passed! I still have 3 more exams and I am hoping that I will receive a passing grade for those as well. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Dato Divertido: As I am in the middle of exam season in Spain, I am noticing some differences between their system and the system in the United States. In Spain for the majority of the classes (thankfully none of mine) the final counts between 70%-100% of the final grade! So basically one day, after a semester of hard work, will determine your grade. Whereas in the United States (at least at HC), the final usually doesn´t count for more than 50% of your grade. Another difference is the time period in which the finals take place. In Spain the final period lasts 3 weeks whereas at Holy Cross we have about 1 week. So I am finding it quite challenging to stay focused for this long!

P.S. The Spanish protests that I wrote about in an earlier blog are still occurring throughout Spain. Apparently the election is what sparked these protesters, but what they are really fighting for is a more democratic/transparent government and improvement in the economy. I posted some pictures below of the protests in Coruña.

Alright, back to studying!

Galician countryside

Shell Church by the Seashore (now say that 10 times really quickly…)


They sleep there too!

171 Responses to “A Wine Vineyard!”

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    I didn’t know it was a private tour! Sweet!

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